

Lessons I’ve learned from lockdown

As lock down is eased and we begin to emerge from what has been the strangest and most scary global moment in our collective memory I have begun to get reflective on what I have learned from the whole social isolation experience. I mean, I had always wished that I could have some time away from the world but never did I think that it would actually happen and that the whole world would join me! Here are a few lessons I am taking from the experience and I would love to hear more about yours below! 

An appreciation of time 

Basically, what I do with it personally and socially. Having to socialise in different ways with people has allowed me to see how I can use my time for work and play in a productive manner whilst managing to take for myself when needed. I’ve certainly become a fan of taking time to meditate and do yoga which I would never do before...Honestly, the thought of an online workout class? Pft! Jog. On. How times have changed, huh?
woman on laptop learning new skill

 Learning new skills 

As I had some free time on my hands - usually late at night when I was having my anxious moments I learned some new digital skills including how to make a game from code via giffgaff academy and even investigated to how to update my blog using plugins and HTML - these are skills that I can use in my job moving forward and help me achieve more in projects. Get in. I also know many of my friends have been inspired to set up their own online businesses as well with places such as Etsy. 


Not having to dress up for work (well, below the chest when on a Zoom call..) and put a face on every day was both amazing and depressing at the same time. I realised that I really did enjoy dressing for me and that it was a big part of my creative outlet to experiment with my clothes. I also got to appreciate my natural face and begin to appreciate parts of it that I’d usually hated before. Like many things in this list, this is a work in progress. I do miss dressing up and doing my hair and makeup. I have been having fun playing with wigs and I have ordered quite a few to try out. There are so many human hair wigs for women available online. Expect lots of fun looks coming soon.  I’ve certainly been practising Jomo (The Joy of missing out) and getting away from social media as much as well. I wonder what will happen once we get to socialise again… 

How much I actually love people 

Jomo aside, I realise actually I am a people person - and do in fact like working in an office from time to time, but no doubt I certainly have taken to working from home even if my cats haven’t. Basically, I like good people, and I miss them. We are better off when we are together. What about you, have you gained any learnings from social distancing that you didn’t expect? Let us know below or on our social channels!

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