Blog about all things lifestyle, home, fashion and being a woman.

cheap ways to update your kitchen

Well is it me or when the sun is out you start to look at thing differently? It's time to talk about updating your kitchen. I love nothing more than refreshing my house.  I wanted to share with you how to update your kitchen with minimal cost. The kitchen is after all the heart of your home. 

I want to introduce you to my new obsession, Kitchen Warehouse. I Can spend hours on their site designing and imagining my new kitchen. Fantastic site for everything from kitchen units and accessories. I even plan my future kitchens there. 

There are so many easy fixes which can change the whole feeling of your kitchen. 

1. First things first Pick a new colour pallet, I personally like neutral colours in my kitchen. These are easy to maintain and also easier changed if the mood takes you. Painting your kitchen a new colour can really change the feeling in the kitchen. Plus it makes it lighter and brighter. There is nothing like a lick of paint to revamp a room. 

2. What about replacement kitchen doors, This is a cost-effective way of changing your kitchen units. I think nothing dates a kitchen like outdated units. This is a simple, less time-consuming way to modernize your kitchen. It is also one of the easiest things to change when you have just moved into a property. Come on think back to your first home. Not many of us have the money to redo the kitchen straight away but this option breath's fresh air into the kitchen without the huge outlay of money. 

3. Why not replace those dated drawer handles. This is a super simple way to change the appearance of the kitchen. Swap out the old-fashioned handles with modern chrome ones and this will update and renew your doors instantly. 

4. Change those old light fitting to new LED lighting and your whole room will benefit from the light. Taking an old dingy room and turning it into a light and roomy paradise for cooking. what about spotlights. They work wonder to the room's ambience. 
How about a fun and funky sign? Like happy hour neon signs, or similar designs, as this will as some sass to your kitchen

5. Get rid of the old curtains and welcome in some new blinds. This can really open up the light you get from your window. I love letting light into my home. I feel it can really brighten up your mood. The more light you have the better you feel so incorporate this in your kitchen.

6. Think of your appliances as deco. Is it time to replace the kettle toaster and blender. How long have you had them? Why not get a new modern or traditional set. Think of the theme throughout your room. Would an old fashion style kettle look better in your kitchen? Why not use this as an excuse to treat your self to a new one.

7. What about adding a rug. This can give your kitchen a real luxury feel. It is not only nice on the eye but it is nice on your feet too. Let's face it times have changed and we all have wooden or vinyl flooring in the kitchen. Why not give your feet a treat whilst you are washing the dishes of a new rug.

8. Flowers and fruit. Adding a nice flower or fruit display can really life to a room. whilst adding a pop of colour. At this time of year, I like to put lemons and limes in a vase. It really makes a focal point and in winter add some pine cones. It's just the simplest of things but people always tell me how lovely it looks.

should all have genetic testing. Is it really worth the hype?

cells genetic testing
Well, the weather outside has become warm and the clocks have changed. It is officially summer. I don't know about you but when the winter comes rolling in, it has me thinking more. Lately, I have been thinking about my health

A little background about me that is relevant before we continue. I have no contact with my biological family. I have been thinking lately about genetic health conditions. I have gone to the doctors many times and been asked those fundamental questions? Does your family have a history of....? My answer is always the same. I don't know.  I don't have the luxury of picking up the phone and asking someone for answers. I have been debating for a long time about having a genetic health test. I thought I would take you along with me as I do my research. 

When you think about genes, you don't really think much past, we get them to from our parent and they determine your physical attributes like eye colour and height. Right? But if we took genetic more seriously we could find out so much more about ourselves. Our genes also determine if we are more likely to get certain illness and conditions. It can test for many types of cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. These illnesses can be determined by abnormal genes which can be hereditary.  I am not saying all these illnesses can be related to genes but it is one of the factors involved in many cases. 

What is genetic testing? 
 Basically, it provides you with information about your chromosomes and genes. This helping you identify potential tendency to develop a particular disease or illness. 

How is the test done? 
There are numerous ways to have genetic testing from a simple cheek swab to a blood sample. Every company does it differently. Some are at home tests. Where you receive a kit and instructions or you attended a clinic. Always check that the clinic or company is registered with the relevant governing bodies be for ordering the test. 

Why we should all have then done. 
first and foremost to find out if you are susceptible to particular disease or illnesses. This is not saying you have the illness. It is saying you are more liable for it. Do not take the test as a positive result for an illness. This can only be done by your doctor. It is just to give you an insight into your make up.  Next, if you are planning children. Wouldn't it be nice to know what you are potentially passing on to them? Some people can be a carrier of an illness and not even know about it. They themselves may show no sign of the disease but they can pass it on to any children. This test is just an extra bit of peace of mind. 

I have got all my information from Why not go an check them out. I am definitely convinced they are a fantastic idea and think they should be more readily available. Could you imagine if everyone had one and your doctor had all the information? This could give you a better chance of early diagnosis and potentially save your life. 

6 Easy and cheap At Home Self-Care Ideas

woman sitting crossed legged in mirror looking happy in white onesie

Self-care is something of a hot topic at the moment, and at times has been criticised for simply not being affordable enough for everyone in its current guise. After all, not everyone has the budget to treat themselves to a pumpkin spiced latte or a new pair of shoes whenever they have a bad day. If you’re looking for simple and affordable ways to implement self-care at home, check out the tips below. Many of these ideas can be worked into a busy schedule, too, so they’re ideal for parents, professionals or anyone who has a lot on their plate already.

1. Write a list

Taking a minute to write a list of whatever is going on in your mind requires very little time, effort and resources, and yet the benefits can be noticeable. All you need is a scrap of paper and a pen, and a couple of minutes alone - you could even lock yourself in the bathroom to do this if you need to. Your list could be a to-do list, to help order your mind and feel less stressed, or it could be a list of thoughts or feelings you’re having. If you want to take this further, you could make it into a daily practice and even write a list of things you’re grateful for before you go to sleep. This can help to ground you in the present moment and feel calmer for the rest of the day. Some people like to use a list app to do this, which allows them to make lists any time.

2. Track Your Mood
If you’re feeling stressed out, anxious or down a lot of the time, a useful technique for tracking your moods is to simply make a note every day of how you feel. As with most things, there are now mood apps for this, but you can also do this in your diary, on a calendar or even on post-its. Looking back on how your mood has changed over the past few weeks or months can help to shift the feeling that nothing is really changing, as you’ll probably notice that some days are better than others. This can help you to become more optimistic and, like with tracking your bank balance, keeps you aware of what your mood has been like throughout the month.

3. Spend Time Alone
As difficult as it can be if you have a busy schedule or a house full of children, spending a bit of time alone is an incredibly effective way to relax and de-stress. As little as 15 minutes to yourself can have a significant impact on your emotional and mental health, providing that you spend it doing something you enjoy. This could be sitting quietly, reading, dancing to your favourite music, or taking a soak in the tub in your stylish bathroom suite. You could go one better and make that tub a hot tub, since hot tubs are known for giving the body the chance to release endorphins (feel good chemicals) that combat feelings of stress. Your muscles will unknot, any pain you might be feeling will reduce, and you can think clearly at last. Taking time out to do this regularly will help you to feel calmer and allow you to manage everyday stresses a lot better, so it really is worth it.

4. Try Meditation
It’s not for everybody, but many people find that short meditation practice is exactly what they need to calm down, de-stress and focus on themselves. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s very rare that we sit and do nothing, especially without a screen in front of us. Doing this with a free meditation app can help introduce you to the principles of meditation, and once you get the hang of it you can do it just about anywhere. Meditation has been proven to be highly effective at reducing stress, so it’s worth giving it a try, even if you’re doubtful that it would work for you.

5. Switch off.
Recent studies have shown that adults spend an average of nine hours a day in front of screens, and for office workers, this can be much more. Avoiding screens can be difficult, with many of us devoting a great deal of time to social media, reading articles online and watching TV. However, taking a break from our devices helps us to recover a little from the sensory overload we’re subjected to on a daily basis. Spending time away from screens, whether it’s by reading, listening to music, cooking, exercising, playing with our children or having a chat with a friend, is an effective way of giving our brains a break. If you find yourself scrolling through social media on autopilot, or turning on the TV without really thinking about it, pause and ask yourself if it’s time to take some time out. Check out how The mummy diaries archives a good nights sleep

6. Talk to a Therapist. Did you know now that you can talk to a therapist right from your home? If you're too busy to make it into an office to see a counsellor or you'd just feel more comfortable doing so from your house, you can find a psychologist online who can help you. Find a quiet space in your home, such as a garden room, and talk to your therapist regularly. Over time you notice the benefits of a commitment to therapy. Garden rooms are the perfect relaxed space for sessions. Find out what you need for one at Drivhussenter.    

mtb dog

We have been mountain biking for a few years. When we found out our current dog a Springador. Has mild hip dysplasia and could no longer hit the trails with us. It was then that we started looking for a new addition to the family that could be the ultimate trail dog. I grew up around pointers as My grandfather breed them. I know they have the energy and stamina and most importantly the love of running to make them the perfect trail companion. 

We scoured the internet for a pointer style puppy in our area. This is where we found a dalmatian puppy. 

We collected Mylo at a little over 16 weeks.  From the day we collected him. He has been about bikes. our house is full of them. From Trail bikes, Downhill bikes and even road bikes. He was well used to them. When he was small we had to work on recall as we knew this would be key to becoming a trail dog. 

We worked on our local beach starting with a long rope lead and treats, gradually building up his confidence and trust. Our local trails are Nevis range, Fort William. Mylo has been about the trail centre since he was a puppy. We would walk him down the trails. When we knew it was quiet and not to disturb anyone on the trails. 

Whilst Mylo was a puppy he was not on the trails. We consulted our vet about when to let him come with us. He informed us that dalmatians are not fully grown until 15-18 months. It is after this time that they can really hit the trails. So about the year mark after a lot of recall training. Mylo would come on very short trails.
He took to it like a duck to water. He immediately followed the bike. We started at a slow pace. Over the months as he grew his speed picked up the pace. 

Now he is faster than us and knows the trails better than us. He loves nothing more than heading down the world cup track at Fort William and even doing the jumps at the bottom. Much to the many tourist's delights and My embarrassment as He is better at them than I am. 

Mylo Always comes on the trails with his little backpack. This is a great way to keep him seen on the trails.  Which carries his water and some treats to keep him going. He also has a multi-tool, small pump and tyre levers and inner tube.  So he is an important member of the trail crew. if he hasn't got his bag on he has a very bright blue Ruffware harness. It is super important that he can be seen whilst on the trails to keep him and other riders safe. With Mylo being a Dalmatian he is very noticeable against the trails. 

It is important to remember that if your dog is hitting the trails to make sure you are adjusting their food and water intake to account for this. We also have Mylo on extra joint supplements to make sure to keep him in tip-top condition. We never let Mylo overdo it. His normal days range between 8-10 miles. He even has his own Strava account so we can keep an eye on his mileage and make sure he has the right about of rest. As a Dalmatian, he would run all day. But this is not good for them so It is important to know your dogs limited and just like a human he needs his recovery time. 

Our dog and bikes are so Important that we built a van conversion. We can now hit the trails more often. Mylo has travelled the UK hitting trails. From wales to Glentress he loves to find new trails to run down. 

You can follow Mylos adventures on his Instagram.  I am developing a new site for my mountain biking adventures with Mylo you can check it out.

Laura Martin 

how to plan a hen party

Rather than settling for a traditional hen night in the local pub,
more and more brides-to-be are opting to head off with their nearest and dearest on hen weekends. After all, why party for one night only if you can party for two or three instead?

However, planning for these extended celebrations can be tricky. For example, you might not be sure which clothes and accessories to take with you. Luckily, help is at hand. Here are some top tips to bear in mind when you’re packing for your weekend away.

Travel time
You might be tempted to reach for your high heels and slip into a sexy little number from the word go, but try to hold back while you’re travelling. If you want to arrive at your destination in the party mood, opt for some comfortable clothes for getting around in.

Remember, there’s bound to be at least some walking involved in your trip and you’ll be carrying bags.

During the day
Find out what you’ll be doing on the hen do before you set off. If you’ll be checking out the shops, some smart casual clothes will come in handy.

If you’re going to do an activity, ask the organiser if you’ll need any specific items of clothing. Even if the specialist gear is provided, you might need certain clothes to wear underneath. If you’re going to get wet or muddy, make sure you have a change of clothing too.

When evening falls
Hen parties are the perfect excuse to have some fun when it comes to your fashion choices. They’re the sort of evenings when you can get away with wearing that miniskirt that’s usually just that little bit too short, or those risqué fishnet stockings. They’re also the ideal time to don a slinky LBD.

Be careful when it comes to your shoes though. Remember, you’ll probably be dancing until the early hours and you don’t want blistered feet to ruin your night. This means it might be a good idea to ditch your strappy high heels and go for something stylish but a little more practical, like leather ankle boots.

Fancy dress
There’s no denying that fancy dress is fun and it can really add to the atmosphere on a hen do. However, if you want to get into nightclubs, bars and restaurants, make sure you check their policies on the fancy dress first. The last thing you want is to be prevented from getting into venues because of your outlandish attire.

A failsafe approach is to wear appropriate clothing underneath your fancy dress so that you can simply slip out of the gear if you need to.

you can change your hairstyle with a Synthetic Hair Wig quickly too to add to your fancy dress outfit and take it to the next level. 

The perfect excuse
One of the great things about heading off on a hen do is the fact that it provides you with the perfect excuse to go on a shopping spree. There’s no certainly no shortage of clothes and accessories for you to choose from now. For example, by heading online to site like Love Sasha you should be able to find exactly what you’re looking for.

dream ski holiday anyone?

I'm Laura and welcome to my day. So let's get this day started. You are wondering where I am, aren’t you? , Well here is where I have woken up today with my gorgeous husband. 
The heavenly Bohinj Park Eco hotel, we arrived here at Bohinjska Bistrica village, Slovenia.  Everyone knows Slovenia is the place to be seen this year. After a peaceful flight from Glasgow yesterday.  All organised through with no stress for me. Let face it who has time to do the leg work when you have crystal ski to do it for you. Luxury with no stress yes, please. My husband was so surprised at the amazing standard of service we have received. He loves the finer things in life. 
It's 730am and it's time to get up. I lift my head from the bed a bit fizzy from last night’s welcome drinks in the cocktail bar, what it would have been rude not to. After a long and luxury shower and I change into my breakfast outfit. Stylish but practical. 

Breakfast is Devine lots of pastry's and fruit heaven after my champers last night. 
Then it's back to my room which is more of a suite, to be honest. It's time to prepare for my first ski lesson which was all organised thought my travel agent de jour crystal ski 
I clicked the first timer’s package option. No lugging about ski at the airport for me. Lift passes sorted and so is ski school. On goes the new ski gear I purchased for the trip. Where would we be without ski and board magazine to tell us the latest styles? I look the part. Now for the hair, everyone knows the classic fishtail braid is the way to go, Classy and no chance of a hair out of place on the slopes. 

I have to confess I am a novice having only had a few lessons in the Scottish Highlands last year. 
U.K. Skiing is so much fun but the snow was hit and miss, so looking forward to fresh soft powder to cushion my delicate falls. Ok, think Bridget Jones. 

After what felt like 5 minutes, why is it when you’re enjoying oneself time fast forwards? It’s time for lunch. My instructor was amazing and I'm snow ploughing like a pro. My confidence booming. Is there anything more thrilling than whizzing down the slopes.

Lunch is at the amazing.  It’s a veggie pizza and hot chocolate for me. My husband chooses something a bit meatier for his lunch. He has not been with me this morning as he is already a skier. So off he went on the slopes for some fun by himself. He comes back with lots of stories of the routes he has done. 

The afternoon is ours we play on the beginner’s routes. My husband is delighted with my progress already. I feel like I'm in a dream world. The views are better than I could have imagined. You feel like you are the top of the world. 

It's time to head back to our hotel as I've booked couples massage for us and my body is thanking me for this. I swear this hotel was made for me. I enjoy my poor muscles getting the joyous attention they deserve after an epic day on the slopes. Then we hit the saunas, steam room and pool. 

Now it's back to the room to get ready for a fun night ahead. My husband pops the champagne cork with a huge bang. It's defo and Instagrams moment As I decide what to wear. I'm thinking of a nice dress. I choose a black maxi with my Tiffany's necklace and bangle. A fur gilet and I'm ready to apply my make up like a military operation Mac, Dior, urban decay etc. I swear my make-up bag is a who's who to make brands. 

We have a lovely gourmet meal with wine accomplishment. We have an after dinner drink in the cocktail bar, the bartender remembers my cocktail of choice from last night and it's placed in front of me before I even ask. Now that's service. It's now time to see what Bohinjska Bistrica village, has to offer. We go to a couple bars meets some friends who recommend a local night club. So glad I put on this dress. I'm a bit cold but as they say, the style keeps me warm. 

Off we head in a taxi to the nightclub we dance drink and have a blast. Then it's time to crash out in our beautiful room to do it all again tomorrow.

Tips to upgrade your kitchen

Giving your kitchen update from time to time stops your home from becoming outdated or boring. You don’t need to do a massive renovation of your kitchen, with a few simple changes your kitchen can look entirely new. If you feel a bit lost and don’t know where to start, this post gives you some tips that you can try even when you’re working on a tight budget.

Painting cabinets
One of the easiest ways to make your kitchen look brand new is by giving it a new lick of paint. A great way to do this on a smaller scale is to repaint your cabinets. Unless they are incredibly outdated or have lost functionality, this is the perfect alternative to a costly remodel. If your kitchen is very small, then you should choose light colours as this will help to open up those darker spaces beautifully.

Replacing doorknobs
An old trick that never fails, changing doorknobs and handles will also help to change of look of your kitchen. Often overlooked, but handles and doorknobs all help contribute towards a theme or style. Whether it be vintage or modern, there is plenty of choices out there.

Add decorative accessories
Accessories should never be underestimated when redecorating a room. In your kitchen, you can use your glassware and crockery as pieces of decoration by displaying them on shelves. Plants are another good addition to your kitchen as they give an organic and natural atmosphere to a room. If vintage is what you’re going for, you can easily find various pieces in charity shops or vintage fairs. This is a fantastic way of up-cycling and reusing old pieces of furniture.

Extra lightning
Lighting is key to the look of any room, and your kitchen is no different. Ideally, you want bright lights overhead to help brighten the room when cooking. For this, spotlights or LED bulbs are perfect as they provide plenty of lighting. But for a more atmospheric look, you can use fairy lights to decorate shelving units or the dining area. This helps to bring a more charming and relaxed look when you’re hosting guests perhaps.

Updating the flooring is also a good way to give the kitchen a revamp. You might be thinking that changing your floor isn’t a cost-friendly way of updating your kitchen. However, you can find very cheap floors that don’t sacrifice style over substance. For example, you can find a wide range of cheap laminate flooring that looks like solid wood but without the price tag. Laminate floors have the advantage of being both water and scratch-resistant. These are important features in the kitchen as spillages are very likely as there is an increased level of activity. As we mentioned previously, laminate floors are a high-quality alternative to solid wood and as such are available in a huge range of styles and designs.

So there you have it, some tips that will help you to make your kitchen look brand new without having the break the bank. 

make time for Working Out At Home

If you read my blog on a regular basis, you will know that I am a real fan of fitness and staying in shape. Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who mentioned that she has very little time to get to the gym and exercise. This got me thinking about how she could exercise even though she barely had the time to leave the house.

After a lot of thinking, I came up with ideas for how she could work out at home. In case anyone else is in the same position and has no time or money to get to the gym, I thought I would share my ideas with you, here:

pull ups.jpg

Jump rope
You might think that a jump rope is nothing more than a children’s toy, but you couldn’t be more wrong. Believe it or not, a jump rope can be an amazing fitness tool for working out at home, as well as in the gym.

The best thing about exercising with a jump rope is the fact that as well as being a great way to stay in shape, it’s also a lot of fun. Well, for the first few minutes it is, after that, it gets surprisingly difficult.

Step ups
Whether you have stairs in your home or not, step-ups are a great way to stay in shape. If you have stairs anywhere in your home, use these to do step ups each day, while listening to music. If you have a home that is all on one level, all you need is a large book or a chair to do step-ups on.

If you find that you get bored of doing step-ups easily, do them in front of the television. Stick on your favourite program and do your step-ups in front of it. It might be hard work, but the time will pass much more quickly if you are focusing on the television.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that pull-ups are only for men because they’re not. If you want to tone your whole body - arms, chest and legs, a pull-up bar is a perfect way to do it. Buy a portable pull-up bar for your home and you can keep your body toned and trim.

The best thing about modern pull up bars is the fact that they are easy to put up and flat pack down, so that they are easy to store. So even if you buy one of these bars for your home, it shouldn’t be in the way.

YouTube Workouts
You probably remember your mum doing fitness videos at home when you were a child, am I right? These types of workouts are ideal for staying in shape at home, as they are designed to be done in a small space.

The only difference between the workouts your mum used to do and the ones that you can do is the fact that hers were on video. Whereas, you can get your workouts for free from YouTube.

Even if you have no time or money to go to the gym, you can still ensure that you stay in shape with these tips and ideas.

The 6 home gym items you need for a full body workout

Having a home gym would be a dream come true for many of us. But if you don’t have space or budget to fill your house with treadmills and rowing machines, don’t despair! A huge amount of the most effective equipment doesn’t have to take up too much room or stretch your bank balance. So, let’s take a look at some essential home gym equipment out there to help you get fit for summer.


One of the most versatile pieces of equipment out there, a good set of dumbbells should be right near the top of your list of items. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that you can do, and if you invest in some adjustable ones, you can increase the amount of weight over time so you are always improving. Try to complete your exercises in front of a mirror so you are confident that you are using the proper technique.

Pull Up Bar
It may seem strange to say, but pull up bars don’t have to be just for pull-ups! There are a few different exercises that you can try, along with the classic technique itself. It is worth checking out some pull up bar reviews before you settle on one that is right for you and your home. There are some that you can put above your doorways, and these have the added advantage of always providing you with a reminder to do some every time you walk through!

Jump Rope
If you are looking for an affordable and lightweight piece of equipment to do some cardio work, look no further than a jump rope. If you haven’t jumped rope for a number of years, you may be surprised to find out that it seems a lot harder than when you were a kid. It also has the added benefit of improving your coordination and sense of balance. A durable rope is the best option if you are a beginner, while a lighter option is better to increase your speed.

Medicine Ball
A medicine ball is another fantastically versatile piece of equipment, providing you with a tool to work on your core strength. Just some of the common workouts include throwing it, carrying it or doing abdominal exercises. If you are doing exercises where you throwing it about, you are better off choosing a softer and lighter model.


Probably one of the most popular pieces of equipment that have emerged in the last couple of years, kettlebells provide you with some workouts that you simply can’t do with other similar items. Try to choose some with some big, smooth handles to give you the best grip.     

Exercise Mat
A whole range of stretching and flexibility workouts require an exercise mat to give you a good base. If you are planning to go for some high-intensity workouts, it is better to choose one with thick cushioning. However, a thinner one is the better choice if you are planning to do yoga on it.  

Easy Ways To Start Drinking Healthier

One of the things that I struggle with when it comes to a healthy diet is staying hydrated. I need to drink throughout the day, and I especially need hydration for when I'm exercising. But even so many drinks that are meant to be healthy are full of sugar. And when I want something to warm me up, caffeine is so tempting to help me stay awake. It's so hard finding drinks that are healthy and that taste nice too. Water is of course as good as you can get, but it's boring if it's the only thing you drink. So here are some of the way that I'm trying to make my beverages more interesting.
Natural Water Flavouring
I like to drink a lot of water because it's the easiest way to stay hydrated. However, plain water is in no way exciting. It's fine and I prefer it when I'm really thirsty, but I don't want to drink it all day. The trouble is, it seems like all the things to flavour your water are full of sugar or sweeteners. So instead of using squash or mixing water with fruit juice, I've been looking at other ways to flavour my water. One of the ones I like is squeezing some lemon or lime juice into my glass. It gives it a citrusy kick without me having to add lots of sugary fruit juice. Even though the juice is full of nutrients, it's not great for your teeth. So I try not to have it too often.

Juices and Smoothies
If I'm looking for something delicious, I'll always turn toward a juice or smoothie. Juices can be made with vegetables as well as fruit, so there's a lot you can do. If you look at juicers, you can see what they're capable of. So I like making juices from carrots, tomato, spinach or anything I have in my fridge or cupboards. There are lots of recipes you can follow or you can make it up as you go along. I love a smoothie sometimes too, although they work better with fruit than veg! A strawberry and banana smoothie is always delicious, and it's easy to make one at home instead of buying one.

Decaf Hot Drinks
Most of us drink either tea or coffee when we want a hot drink. But both of these contain caffeine, and we often put lots of sugar in too. If I want a healthier drink, I sometimes go for a decaffeinated coffee or black tea with milk. However, I would much rather have a herbal or fruit tea that has no caffeine. If I want a treat, I will sometimes make myself a hot chocolate. But you have to be careful about how much sugar you use. It can be better to make it from scratch so you're aware of what goes into it. I also think that Ovaltine is an excellent option as an alternative to hot chocolate.

There are more ways to drink healthily, such as trying out different types of milk. If you want to have healthier drinks, there are lots of options out there to try.

How I cope with depression

So when my depression and panic attacks reach ahead I could not leave my house not even to collect the mail from the letterbox outside our building.

It had been at least 2 months since I had left my house. When my fiancé at the time said the magic words. I had so longed to hear for years "I think it's time we got a dog". So we looked far and wide and found Millie she was 1 and a half when we got her.  She gave me a reason to leave the house. She needs to be walked and she needed to go to the toilet. This gave me a reason to leave the house. I had to look after Millie. From day one Millie bonded with me and she seems to understand my pain. Even when I spent hours crying she cuddled me and even licked my tears a few times. She knew she was here to look after me and to this day she still helps me in ways she and I will never understand. We would go out for walks and she wouldn't go too far as she seemed to know I was on edge. 

My job at the time caused my depression. I was bullied for having dyslexia. I was referred to occupational health and to a wonderful man called Adrian. Who gave me help in many ways including cognitive behavioural therapy. Now before I had any help I was a complete sceptic. I was brought up to not show my feelings and as you know my family have disowned me for having depression as I should snap out of it! "It's not a real thing" etc. but I had weeks of therapy and I could finally go out of the house further and further more importantly I could understand I can not control other people and I can only control myself and what I think. Although sometimes I let my thoughts run at a thousand miles an hour. 

Adrian also taught me ways to control my panic attacks and how to stop them from coming ahead. He gave me classes on my mind and what was happening when I would get into a cycle of overthinking and negative thoughts. 

I was put on what the Americas call Prozac. I was again not sure what to think about being put on "happy pills". But these have helped me they seem to clear my mind and just up my mood. 
I am still on these tablets and I hope to come off them soon. If you are hesitating about the medication I don't think I could have gotten through my depression without them in my life. F

My hubby 
My gorgeous man, he has helped me in so many ways he has held me whilst I cried, whilst I told him I didn't want to live anymore. He has listened to my same stories over and over and over my worries and nightmares. He has had a sleepless night with me crying endlessly. I honestly don't think anyone else would have been there for me like he was. 

I have always liked to work out and getting back into fitness without pressure was a great way to pass my long days stuck in my mind. This gave me an escape for an hour a day. Space to think about nothing but the job at hand. 

I used to be an actress in another life or so it feels. I would YouTube a guided meditation when I started to feel a panic coming in and lie on my living room floor and let this wash over me and try to unravel my complicated thoughts. I really recommend this I think mindfulness is a great app. 

Loving my job & Moving house
I left my "dream job" this was the best thing for me. Not because I hated the job but because I had to get out of my situation. I can not work for an organisation who do not understand my dyslexia and have not willing to help me only make matters worse. My hubby was disgusted with my treatment so applied for another post an hour's drive away from where we worked which also gave us a free house so less pressure on me to have to find a job.  

I know this is not easy for everyone and this is just what helped me. Life is too short why stay somewhere that is making you miserable. My family have never understood why I would leave such a good job but for me, this was the best thing to do. 

As I write this I hope this helps at least one of you. I will do another post on this as this one is getting long