Dinner parties are supposed to be fun but as there is always the risk that your guests might not enjoy themselves, they can also be quite stressful too.
To ensure your next dinner party doesn't suck (and cause your guests to make an early exit), here are some suggestions we hope you find useful.
#1: Don't risk new recipes
You want to wow your guests with the food you create but don't be tempted to prepare something you have never cooked before. If you do, there is the chance that something might go wrong in the kitchen so the food you serve up might not be as tasty or as good-looking as you hoped it would be.
If you do want to try out an exotic new cuisine, practice the recipe days before your dinner party. This way, you are less likely to make a cooking faux pas. Alternatively, opt for a tried-and-tested recipe you know your guests will enjoy to ensure a stress-free evening with them.
#2: Prepare food your guests can eat
This is obvious, we know, but there is a chance that you could prepare something inappropriate for guests who are looking to eat healthier or for those who have certain food intolerances.
As such, it's wise to find out about your guest's culinary needs in advance so as to avoid any uncomfortable moments at your dinner party. You might have to create more than one dish to suit all of your guest's needs, so be prepared to spend extra time in the kitchen. Alternatively, ask tricky guests to contribute to the menu as they will know their own food needs better than you do.
#3: Have a variety of drinks
Drinks are sometimes an afterthought at a dinner party but don't let this be the case. Many party hosts provide bottles of wine but they forget about those guests who don't drink alcohol or who want something more exciting than a glass of red or white!
So, provide non-alcoholic alternatives for those who don't want to get a little tipsy. And purchase a cocktail making kit so you can serve your guests all kinds of colourful and exciting drinks on the night of your dinner party.
#4: Provide entertainment
A dinner party is about more than just food and drink. It's about having fun with the people you are spending time with. While your guests will (hopefully) talk to one another and enjoy each other's company, there is the risk that conversation will dry up at some point in the evening.
Should this happen, your guests are likely to feel uncomfortable and some of them might make excuses and leave. To ensure this doesn't happen, provide some form of entertainment. So, you could hire a DJ and make room in your home for a dance floor. Or you could try one of these dinner party games to get everybody talking and mixing. You might even have a karaoke night after your food dishes have all been tidied away.
Be sure to consider your guests when planning entertainment and prepare something you're sure most of them will enjoy!
These are our suggestions but if you have dinner party ideas that you think our readers will find useful, let us know in the comments below.
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